Monday, June 25, 2012

 So I got my BOX of meds today!  I opened it and was more surprised by the amount of needles that were inside then the medicine. I was expecting tons of medicine but not all those needles! I have my calendar of when to take my meds for the next 2 weeks. 3 days after I stop the birth control I will start on a daily steroid pill and 2 times a week shot of  progesterone. I will also have a lining ultrasound that day. 9 days later I will get another ultrasound and will be given a new meds calendar. These aren't even including the pre-natal vitamins or birth control pills I am on now!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! The needles would get to me too! Jus tthink you are one step closer! Good luck dear!
