We got to go have our first ultrasound this afternoon and it was such an emotional and amazing experience! B was beyond excited too, she was counting down the hours. This is the point where if everything looks good you can breath a bit easier. You will know there is a baby/babies in there and hopefully see a heartbeat.
When I arrived to the local clinic that was doing our ultrasounds B's sister, mom, step dad and B were there. Unfortunately N is out of town. I was so excited to give B a little yellow musical giraffe I had found for the babe. She loved it and it is her very first baby item :)
So we all piled into the room, by the way is so nice with a big screen tv on the wall for them to watch and one on the ceiling for me, and hoped to get some really good news. B stood on one side of me and her mom on the other. Man I love these people. I knew what to look for and expect but B did not. I couldn't help but smile and smile as I saw that little bean up there on the screen. I also was able to see the little flicker of a heartbeat right away which came as relief to me. I haven't had ANY pregnancy symptoms except tiredness. Usually by 7 weeks I am nauseous and my boobs kill.
The absolute BEST moment though was when the Dr let us hear the little ones heartbeat. It was so so so amazing. I had so many emotions running through me at once. Gratitude that this little miracle was there. So extremely happy for the Sweets and their whole family. Love for them. So excited. Humbled to be apart of this moment. I had tears streaming down my face as I looked around and saw everyone else in the room did too. It was such a tender moment. Moments like this don't come often and it reminds me that there is a loving Heavenly Father who is helping all this happen and is aware of our lives. B mentioned that she had never heard a baby's heartbeat before. It was such a great experience.
Seriously I just felt complete JOY! It also felt so surreal. I was not sad in any way that this little one isn't mine. I was just so happy for THEM.
As we said goodbye B gave me the sweetest card and her family gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. B's mom also gave me a letter. The letter talked of how this trial of B's has been hard on all of them and as her mom how it has been painful knowing what struggles B has had to face to be a mom. I honestly had never thought about what a miracle this little one will be to their whole family, not just B and N. I am so grateful for her sharing her story with me about B. I am also just so excited that it is really happening and I am helping to do this for them.
Well with that here is baby Sweets debut and first pic
(July 20)