Friday, September 21, 2012

2nd beta

Once again I couldn't find a sitter and had to drag my 3 chitals along with me to my blood draw. Once again they were so good. Things (besides my stinkin' med mistake) have gone so smoothly with this process I can't help but feel that it is meant "2 B"!

The wait seemed even longer today. B text me and asked if I felt pregnant, haha. We were hoping for a 42 or higher beta. I felt like I KNEW we were pregnant but I didn't want to get my hopes too high. How many times have people had a good first beta and then it not double? Chemical pregnancy?

So when they called and said the second beta was a 48 I was so relieved!!!


B and I talked and she is beyond thrilled and couldn't wait to skype N (he is out of town). She also decided she was going to send out a text like this

We are.....

 to her family. I can't wait to hear their reactions.

When we got off the phone she text me with

Oh my goodness!! I can't believe it!! I think I'm still in shock!! I really thought it wasn't going to happen! Holy Cow!! Im scared, nervous and excited! Probably how most 1st timers feel right?!:) Thank You so so so much!

I am just over the moon that it seems to all be working out and the Sweets are going to have a baby around March 7th!

(June 29)


  1. Yay! I'm soooooooo excited! Congrats! What an amazing blessing.

  2. SO exciting to read this, it brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you all! :-)
