Monday, February 11, 2013

34 weeks!

Seriously, can you believe it? I can't. This little guy could be here ANY day. In fact my contractions are getting more consistent and intense with each passing day. I am a contractor though, I just contract and contract for weeks/months on end and have always had to be induced, so we will see.

Things have still been going great. Nothing to worry about, more uncomfortablness, last few weeks of pregnancy etc. B and I went and took a hospital tour so she could see the labor/delivery room and the post partum rooms, where to go when the time comes, etc.

I realized I hadn't really said anything on Facebook and many people I know probably didn't know I was doing this. So I made a little announcement because I know when baby Sweet arrives I am going to want to let the people I do know see pics etc. And of course I don't want people to be like "what they had a baby?" and then see us in a few months and we really don't have a baby.

Anyways I couldn't believe once again the outpouring LOVE and SUPPORT from everyone! I feel so humbled and kind of awkward hearing so many people tell me how amazing they think I am. Honestly I just know I am doing something amazing for amazing people. Which got me thinking. I know everyone is always telling me how awesome of a thing I am doing and how great I am but I think about N and B.

They are the amazing ones. They have been through SO much hurt, heartache, emotions, financial burdens and years and years of it to get to this point. I CAN NOT imagine all they have had to deal with to get to this point. I am just extremely grateful for the opportunity to help them and so happy that they will finally be able to have JOY, fulfillment and that unconditional LOVE they have been wanting and deserve by having a little one.

Here is the pic I posted on FB

  (January 31)

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