Sunday, February 17, 2013

Now these are contractions!

With all 3 of my little ones I have always been induced. I contract regularly for months like I mentioned but it never gets to that point where I KNOW I should go in. Jean has told me time and time again that her hospital they know when someone is in real labor or if its false labor by just seeing them walk down the hall to their desk. When the women walk in and they are basically just walking in or looking uncomfortable, these women are most likely not there to stay. But when a women comes down the hall, has to stop and breathe through contractions and can't talk through them, then its the real deal.

I have had painful contractions. I have had really painful contractions before my epidurals and even once when my epidural wore off during labor with LittleDarlin. But I have NEVER experienced what I realize (atleast I hope) now to be true contractions.

We had our 36 week appointment, I am barely a one. I go about my day and have a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fa-la for dinner go home and have my usual contractions and go to sleep for the night. Hubbs kisses me goodbye as he leaves for work around 5:15 AM. I go back to sleep. 15 min later I wake up super uncomfortable, what is this. These are odd contractions, definitely more crampy then I am used to. So I try and sleep through them for about an hour. Can't sleep. Too uncomfortable and starting to get painful. I get up and start pacing the room. Could this be the real deal? No. Wait these are really hurting and are really crampy. Maybe they are. I text B around 6:45 AM and tell her to bring a bag with her to work cause these contractions are getting bad and this might be it. She throws a bag together, leaves for work and waits to hear from me. I decided I better pack a bag too and then I will shower and try timing these things. They are about 2-3 minutes apart lasting 1-2 minutes. Ok this might really be it.

I called Hubbs and he could tell I was in serious pain and couldn't talk through some of them. He was ready to go straight to the hospital and tell them to get a room ready for me cause his work is less then 5 minutes from there. I told him to hold off. B of course is panicking, N is not here. He is flying home tomorrow.... Yes tomorrow. How could he miss this by one day?

Well fortunately it was all a false alarm people, false alarm. They started to get less intense about 7:30 AM so I laid down, I was exhausted from the last two hours of contractions and I hadn't slept well cause littledarlin was up a ton that night. I text B and Hubbs and let them know. I felt so bad worrying everyone. But like B said she wants to go through these scares with me since she doesn't get to experience it herself. I felt crampy the rest of the day but things have seemed to calmed down. I have been a bit more tired but contractions in general have slowed way down. So now we wait some more and are grateful that N will be home shortly!

(February 12)

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