Sunday, March 25, 2012

3rd Try FAILED

Jean text me today and let me know that B and N's 3rd try with their surro FAILED.

Devastation. Poor B. Really though, not a surprise.... Hum, why am I not surprised?

Um it failed cause its supposed to be me. What? What am I saying here to myself?  Ya, I am supposed to be her surro.

Right now.  Not when Hubbs and I are done having kids but now. What am I thinking? This is crazy, it will never really happen. It's just too weird, why am I thinking this way? Still poor B, she deserves to be a mommy just like everyone else.


  1. I was in a similar situation, where I became an egg donor to someone close to me. And I don't want to scare you when you see very set on your plan, but i just want you to be prepared for the worst. I was overstiumlated from the hormones and my ovaries twisted and split, causing me to become infertile. I just hope you consider that there is always a possiblity you might never concieve after you do this. i would have never imagined i would become infertile from trying to help someone else concieve. and if i had- i would have never done it. I hope that you have good luck with your plan :) Just wanted to give you an idea of the worst case scenario.

  2. I am so sorry this happened to you. I just want you to know that I do understand all the risks involved and even though there are no guarantees I do feel like I am making the right choice for me. Being a gestational surro, not an egg donor, decreases the risks as I wont be on all those meds.

    Thank you again for your input, best of luck.

