Thursday, March 29, 2012

Could you ever be a surrogate?

I posted the question on a web board I frequent "Could you ever be a surrogate?" I am so glad I have this board for many reasons but one of them was for something like this. I was grateful to have outsiders tell me there honest opinions and to help me see the reasons others would or would not do it.

Most responses were "NO" and their reasoning being they don't think they could carry a littleone for 40 weeks and then give it away. I can see this point of view and honestly before my first, definitely after my first and maybe even six weeks ago depending on the day I may have responded the same way.

But now its different, I feel so different about it all. Shocking to me a lot of them said they could donate their eggs but not carry a baby and give it to someone. I wanted to share what I wrote back because it seems when I am in the moment of conversation the words just come out better with how I feel about it.

I see what you are all saying and I have thought about it in so much depth I am torn. I don't think I could ever donate eggs because that baby is APART of me. But carrying her baby for her, knowing the whole time it is HERS and for HER and the joy SHE will have getting to be a mom makes me think it wouldn't be so hard to give her the baby. I have had easy pregnancies and i enjoy being pregnant. And like a previous poster said with all three of my previous pregnancies I didn't feel that instant bond, it came later for me.
I have always felt like I could/should do it for her later in life when we were done having kids. But I have always worried that having one for her would leave me feeling like I wanted ONE more of our own. Hubbs and I want one or two more BUT we are not ready for another littleone for at least 2 years. We have 3 under 5 right now.

These are the types of waters I wanted to test. Funny how when I first thought about testing them I didn't know what decision it would pull me towards. All it has done is made my conviction that it is right grow stronger.

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