Wednesday, March 28, 2012

B's Story

B is unable to have children and has known this since birth. This never deterred her from dreaming of being a mother. She didn't know her exact plan of how she would become a mom but she always knew she would.

After she was married to N, she realized the next step was to have children with him, but how? After years of discussion, planning, and searching for quite a while, she found a Surrogate in another state. This surro was willing to travel to the Fertility Clinic and seemed to be the perfect solution.

B and N paid for her to have a Psych evaluation and also for an attorney to bring their situation to court. The court was in order to state the child would be B and Ns child, not the surro's. Over one year later, $41,000 and three cycles of egg retrieval and IVF, no pregnancy. B is so heart broken. She and Jean talk all the time of why did this surro seam so right and everything fall into place if it wasn't meant to be?

At this present time B and N's plan is to use that same surro again next month for a last try. If it fails again they will maybe search once more for another surro.

Jean tries to encourage B that sometimes we have to go through tough decisions, fail, and be broken to where we don't have hope so we can be lead to Gods plan. It's so hard to have faith in this but she and Jean do. Before they end every conversation, Jean tries to remind B, "I know you will be a mom, it's just the how we need to figure out."

I can only feel now that I am that how. I hope that I am and that B can be a mommy someday, through me or another way. Maybe, just maybe, all that B has gone through was to get US, both of us, to this point where the timing is right in our lives to make this work. This could be God's plan and all she has gone through and what I have was to help us be here. Where the timing may be just right. My mind set is different  now then it was after my first and second littleones. I feel almost prepared to do this now.

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