Saturday, March 31, 2012

thoughts on being a babymama for B now that the waters have been tested

More of the same thoughts and feelings. Except maybe stronger? The more I talk about it with my family and Hubbs the more I feel it is right. When I don't talk with someone about it for a few days the logic part and this is so crazy part creeps in. I start to get scared, nervous and question myself.

The second I start talking about it again the good feelings about it hit me ten fold. How can I deny those feelings?

Also when I think of being a babymama for B all I can think about is the complete JOY I am going to be able to give the Sweets. I can't wait for B to experience being a mommy to a little baby. To help fill that hole in her heart. I can not even imagine what it would be like to not be able to have littleones. To not know if a baby was ever in my future. When Hubbs and I were trying for our second it felt like an eternity to me. I wanted a littleone sooo bad it literally hurt. I wrote this journal entry

I hate that I have longer cycles. It seems so unfair that in the time someone gets 2 chances I have one. Hubbs is so supportive and I can tell he feels bad too. Last night as we drove home from dinner with our BFF's who announced they were pregnant he just let me sit in silence and then he held me while I cried in bed that night. He also just let me cry and vent over the phone when I called to tell him another friend just informed me she was pregnant. He said he'd been thinking of me all day. I know I am blessed to have TheBigGuy and such a loving husband, but still, I ache.
It seemed so terrible to me. I look back now and remember how I felt and think of how blessed I am that I CAN have littleones. Knowing that B must be feeling the way I felt, times a million, makes me so sad for her. I want her to be a mommy so bad.

Things that have been brought to my attention or that I have thought about that are reasons to not be a surro are: the morning sickness, the medication, the aches and pains of pregnancy, actual labor pain, not nursing after and having to wrap my boobs, the 4-6 week healing process which also equals no sex. All for someone else. But these seem so trite in terms of the gift I could give B and N. I don't even see them as a reason not to do this for them. Its so minimal compared to the outcome.

Katie's concern is that it would be too hard to give up the babe. To carry it, feel it move and give birth to it and then say goodbye so the baby can go home with its mommy and daddy. I don't know, and maybe I am naive, but I don't think it will be that hard. My thinking is that the baby is not mine, I am just its home for a little while until its real mama can care for it. Going into it knowing that its not my baby, its B's baby seems like it wont be so bad in the end. It will be amazing to see her with that baby knowing I was able to give that to her.

It does however make me nervous of how people may judge me or think I am crazy.  I deep down don't really care what anyone thinks besides my immediate family, especially my parents, but it will be hard to deal with.

My main concerns lie with the physical risks. Those risks are like in any pregnancy, putting my life at risk and my fertility at risk. I think the only way to get over these fears is to go on my faith and what I feel is right. No one can give me an answer that problems wont arise, even these two big ones. But I can go off of the fact that I feel its right. I have faith that it will work out.

I am scared

I called the fertility clinic today that B and N use. Jean questioned B's little sister enough to find out what clinic it was for me. I told them that I wanted to remain anonymous and that I had questions.  I spent about 20 minutes on the phone with them asking every question I could think of. Basically more of the same answers. The risks are the same as a normal pregnancy. There are no more added risks of a gestational surrogate pregnancy. I will be on just a few meds to help build my uterine wall and regulate my cycles to coincide with the procedure.

I was under the impression that most surrogates were finished with their own families. The lady I was talking with actually informed me that many of their surrogates are young moms who are trying to supplement their incomes and go on to have more children of their own.

I know reading these posts it looks like my mind is made up already. I know that it seems like I am just going off of these extremely strong feelings I have and I am not turning back, but that is not the case.

Am I really going to be able to handle carrying a littleone, feel it move, help it grow, give birth to it and just hand it over? I think I will be able to, knowing it is not mine but B's from the beginning. Plus I will be able to see the babe when I want. It will be like I am its auntie. Am I being naive?

I am scared. Nervous. Question myself everyday. Though these posts are just days apart, in real life this has been going on for about 4 weeks. I just didn't know when I was ready to post all this. I have prayed and prayed and gone to the temple. I have tried to think of all possibilities. Imagine all the bad moments that could happen. I feel like I have tried or am trying to go about every avenue I can to get a real, logical perspective of this situation.

In fact its all the logical that scares me. The logic part creeps in sometimes, especially when I haven't discussed or written about it for a few days. That is when I start to question. Yes everything should go fine. There should be no complications, but, there is always that but. Something could go wrong. If it were the worst case scenarios I would be devastated. I don't know what I would do. Is it worth that small risk?

The second I call one of my sisters or talk to Hubbs or write about my concerns and what I am feeling, that all goes away. I am taken back to the feelings and knowledge that it is good, it is right. Still there is a decision I have to make. I need to try and mix the logic with the spirit. How do you do that?

Friday, March 30, 2012

The answers to my concerns

I have done a ton of internet surfing looking for answers. You know what, there is not a ton of information about surrogacy out there. I found a bunch of organizations who want to help you become a surrogate. They explain how to apply, qualifications, etc. But nothing about risks or what actually goes on. All I could find was that it is like a regular pregnancy with those same risks.

So I thought I would turn to my OB office. Waiting for my appointment in April was killing me. I don't know of any surrogacy offices to contact and can't ask B for hers cause I don't want her to know I am even thinking of this until I am 150% sure I am doing it.

Lucky for me Jean is a L&D nurse at a hospital my OB's work at. Today they had some down time and she brought up my concerns with one of my OB's.  After they talk about it a while he disappears only to come back 20 minutes later with some research he had done. He gave Jean the papers and told her to give them to me. THEN he called me! Unfortunately I was on the other line with an insurance company talking about the car accident I was in yesterday so I didn't answer.

Well Dr D left me a lengthy message letting me know that he doesn't know much but what he could find and what he does know is basically I should wait at least 6 months in between pregnancies, there are normal risks that go with any pregnancy, if I can I should talk to a specialist, to call him if I had any questions, he was sorry the way I was treated by the staff and that he hoped me and LittleDarlin (whom he helped with her labor process) were doing good.

Do you see why I LOVE my Dr's? Most Dr's wouldn't have done that. It was such a relief to hear from my own Dr that he didn't feel there were any significant extra risks and that he cared. AND now I don't have to wait a month, get a sitter or pay a copay to ask a few questions!

Later when I talk to Jean she also tells me that he asked her if I was religious. She tells him I am and that is half the reason I am considering being a surro for B and N is because of the feelings I have had. He tells her that he feels that those feelings are very important too when making a decision like this. It is so comforting to know I am not alone on this in more ways than one.

And now, as I am sitting here on Katie's bed typing, I wonder to myself "Really, am I really going to do this?" Letting the logic creep in. I look over at her mirror.

Written on it is ... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


But I absolutely HATE its staff. With CutenessBuns and LittleDarlin I used the same OB practice. I love the Dr's and completely trust them. Their office staff on the other hand just sucks. They forget to check me in, they don't tell me its a 2 hour wait cause there was an emergency meanwhile my children run around and scream in the lobby (lets face it, 2 hours in a dr office lobby sucks), they schedule wrong appointment times, they are rude and so unhappy you feel bad for bugging them.

If I had their job I would try and be upbeat, come on, more then half these patients are coming in because they are pregnant. As a patient your Dr's appointments are exciting and you look forward to them because you are coming in to hear or track your littleones progress.

Well with that said my experience with them recently was nothing but more suckiness. I called because I wanted to meet with one of my OB's to talk with them about the risks and their thoughts of becoming a babymama so soon after having LittleDarlin and the possibility of getting pregnant 6 months to a year after the Sweets babe is born. Well the receptionist wouldn't schedule me an appointment when I told her I just had questions for the OB when she had asked what my appointment was for.

So she sent my call to the nurses station. The nurse asks why I am calling. I proceed to tell her that I just had a littleone 3 months ago and that I am considering becoming a surrogate and wanted to talk with an OB about how long I should wait in between and the risks. The nurse goes off. I should wait AT LEAST one year in between pregnancies and they can't tell me if everything will be fine and I need to give my body time to lose the weight and do I even have insurance? ........ What? Ya, she asked that. I should of told her its none of her damn business but in the moment I was kind of taken off guard so I just answered yes.

Finally I ask her if I can, or can not have an appointment to talk with an OB. The nurse sends me back to the scheduler and says to schedule a preconception appointment. Funny thing is there are no openings for over a month. Reluctantly I take the appointment at the end of April and hang up.

Immediately I call Jean to complain that the OB office is so ridiculous and its a good thing the Dr's are good. When I was telling her about it I realize they never even took my name or DOB. How did they make me an appointment? More so how am I going to go over a month without answers? I can't wait that long. Jean brings to my attention that the nurse was probably set off when I said something about surrogacy and she probably thought I was in it for money. Well I'm not and so what if I was? Again non a her business!

I am so mad, now I have to figure out another way to get my questions answered.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Could you ever be a surrogate?

I posted the question on a web board I frequent "Could you ever be a surrogate?" I am so glad I have this board for many reasons but one of them was for something like this. I was grateful to have outsiders tell me there honest opinions and to help me see the reasons others would or would not do it.

Most responses were "NO" and their reasoning being they don't think they could carry a littleone for 40 weeks and then give it away. I can see this point of view and honestly before my first, definitely after my first and maybe even six weeks ago depending on the day I may have responded the same way.

But now its different, I feel so different about it all. Shocking to me a lot of them said they could donate their eggs but not carry a baby and give it to someone. I wanted to share what I wrote back because it seems when I am in the moment of conversation the words just come out better with how I feel about it.

I see what you are all saying and I have thought about it in so much depth I am torn. I don't think I could ever donate eggs because that baby is APART of me. But carrying her baby for her, knowing the whole time it is HERS and for HER and the joy SHE will have getting to be a mom makes me think it wouldn't be so hard to give her the baby. I have had easy pregnancies and i enjoy being pregnant. And like a previous poster said with all three of my previous pregnancies I didn't feel that instant bond, it came later for me.
I have always felt like I could/should do it for her later in life when we were done having kids. But I have always worried that having one for her would leave me feeling like I wanted ONE more of our own. Hubbs and I want one or two more BUT we are not ready for another littleone for at least 2 years. We have 3 under 5 right now.

These are the types of waters I wanted to test. Funny how when I first thought about testing them I didn't know what decision it would pull me towards. All it has done is made my conviction that it is right grow stronger.

the risks

If I do this for B and N I will just be the gestational surrogate. I would not be donating my eggs. B and N already have embryos frozen, ready to be implanted. There are a ton less meds then when donating eggs and from what I have found less risk of complications. From what I can find the major risks of being a surrogate are just like in any normal pregnancy. Yes, I understand they are there. 

In my searching for answers I found this site with their risks and complications of being a surrogate.
  • Blood drawing - mild discomfort and some risk of developing a bruise at the needle site.

  • Reaction to Fertility medication - hot flushes, feeling down or irritable, headaches and restlessness.

  • Risks Associated with Pregnancy - including but not limited too: exhaustion, nausea, indigestion, constipation, weight gain, bloating, backaches, difficulty sleeping, breast pain, higher blood pressure, hormonal mood changes, stretch marks, loose skin, abdominal and vaginal muscle weakness, varicose veins, pre-eclampsia, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, anemia, embolism, cardiopulmonary arrest, placental abruption, molar pregnancy, future infertility, permanent disability, and death.

  • Ultrasound examinations - no known risks, minimal discomfort.

  • Psychological distress - sometimes associated with assisted reproductive technology  procedures.

  • Carrying Multiples - Multiple births carry risks to the health of the mother and the unborn babies.

  • Post-Partum Depression after Delivery - sadness and depression after delivering the child/children. 

I look at these risks and it does scare me a bit. I have had normal, healthy pregnancies in the past and can only pray for the same if I choose to do this. When I think real hard about all these (mainly the chance of infertility and death) I think,

I can't do this.

At the DI with Jamie

Jamie is a DI junkie. She loves going to the DI and looking for furniture, frames, lamps and mirrors that she can one day re-do. She has a collection of old, unfinished furniture in her garage and basement. I believe she has started on two pieces but hasn't quite finished them. I would guess she has close to 20 not touched yet. Jamie is good at haggling the DI people and always gets a good deal, I love going with her.

Lately we have been running errands together when we can. While we were out we stopped at a couple DI's. So we get inside and for some reason right there I blurt out "Have you ever just had a feeling you should do something and it seems crazy but you can't deny that you feel it?" She begs, "What is it". "It is so hard to explain but I don't know if I have ever felt something pushing me to do something so strongly in my life, ever. I think I am supposed to have B's baby." Jamie looks at me and says "I am shocked... ... ... it is odd to say but you are right, it feels right but I am shocked!" We talk, and I get all emotional about it standing in the middle of the DI. I can honestly say this was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had, in the DI. Once again my feelings are verified to me that this is right. Jamie tells me she is getting goose bumps. She can feel it too. Half of what she is saying about her thoughts and feelings are things I have already thought and said. She gets it. Is this real?

In the end we leave the DI with a settee for me, a hutch and two lamps for her piled in the back of my truck. As we drive down the freeway I look in the mirror and watch the lamp shade blowing and think to myself "Oh my gosh, this is really going to happen. I am going to try and be a babymama!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

B's Story

B is unable to have children and has known this since birth. This never deterred her from dreaming of being a mother. She didn't know her exact plan of how she would become a mom but she always knew she would.

After she was married to N, she realized the next step was to have children with him, but how? After years of discussion, planning, and searching for quite a while, she found a Surrogate in another state. This surro was willing to travel to the Fertility Clinic and seemed to be the perfect solution.

B and N paid for her to have a Psych evaluation and also for an attorney to bring their situation to court. The court was in order to state the child would be B and Ns child, not the surro's. Over one year later, $41,000 and three cycles of egg retrieval and IVF, no pregnancy. B is so heart broken. She and Jean talk all the time of why did this surro seam so right and everything fall into place if it wasn't meant to be?

At this present time B and N's plan is to use that same surro again next month for a last try. If it fails again they will maybe search once more for another surro.

Jean tries to encourage B that sometimes we have to go through tough decisions, fail, and be broken to where we don't have hope so we can be lead to Gods plan. It's so hard to have faith in this but she and Jean do. Before they end every conversation, Jean tries to remind B, "I know you will be a mom, it's just the how we need to figure out."

I can only feel now that I am that how. I hope that I am and that B can be a mommy someday, through me or another way. Maybe, just maybe, all that B has gone through was to get US, both of us, to this point where the timing is right in our lives to make this work. This could be God's plan and all she has gone through and what I have was to help us be here. Where the timing may be just right. My mind set is different  now then it was after my first and second littleones. I feel almost prepared to do this now.

Jean's Call

Jean calls, it is the first time we have really talked since we found out B and N's 3rd try failed. She proceeds to tell me how she feels so bad for B and wishes she could do it for her but the timing in her life is just all wrong. She was talking with the girls at work telling them how she just knows that somehow through HER B is going to have her baby. She is thinking maybe someone at work. She just knows she has the answer.

In this moment my heart is once again pounding. I can feel the spirit so strong. I knew I was going to tell Jean soon but not over the phone. But I can't help it, I am so overwhelmed with what I feel. Of course I broke down and did. "Its me, its me" that is all I could say through my tears. These feelings are so powerful and I feel like they over take me when I talk about it. Jean sat in silence and listened to me. Then she told me how she felt it too as I told her about it. Jean knew she had the answer but couldn't put her finger on it. This could be it. It feels good. She thinks its supposed to be me. It is no coincidence that B and I are SO similar. This just seems right.

Jean came over that night and we talked about everything for a long time. Since she is a L&D nurse and B's sister-in-law I asked her as many questions I could think of.  What are the risks? What meds will I have to take? How long will I have to take the meds? How long before I could do it for her since LittleDarlin is only 3 months? How long after will I need to wait to have another littleone of my own? What is B planning on doing? Using the same surro as before? When are they going to try again? How long do I have to make my decision?

I sat and told her all about the feelings I have had for years that I could do this for B and N. That when I found out it failed something kicked in and I knew it was now that I needed to do it.

It seems as though there are all these little things pointing me to being their surro. Why had Jean opened up to me about how she felt and was so involved with B and N's journey now? Her call at that moment. So many little things and then the next day Jean text me this:

Don't know how you're feeling but B sent me this, "If u know anyone who wants to be a surro let me know."

I feel all the good emotions again. B is searching and I am right here. I have to be sure though. I can't just go off of these feelings. I need to do some digging. I need more facts.

It is all so surreal, almost like a movie or book, not a possible reality.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

what is surrogacy

What is surrogacy?
The definition of surrogacy is the act of one woman carrying a child that belongs to someone else.

When the baby is born, the woman carrying the baby will not parent the child; the intended parents who contracted the surrogacy arrangement will be the legal parent of the child.

A gestational surrogate mother is not the biological mother of the baby conceived.

The child is either the biological child of the intended mother, or of an egg donor and the intended father (or one of the intended fathers).

A gestational carrier will go through IVF, In-Vitro Fertilization, to become pregnant. This is where the intended mother's eggs, and the intended father’s sperm, are mixed in a laboratory to create viable embryos.

Then, one or more of these embryos are implanted into the surrogate's womb in order to become pregnant.

The intended mother or egg donor will need to go through an egg retrieval process, which will require her to be on medications as well.

testing the waters

It keeps running through my mind that I may need to test the waters of what others opinions are and will be about this situation. I think I need to test these waters BEFORE I talk with B. The things my family has to say and what they feel about the matter will play a big role in if I do this. I need to know their thoughts on it to make a final decision.

I don't want to tell B and N that I am even considering being their surrogate unless I am 150% sure I am going to do it. I do not want to get their hopes up if I change my mind. I know they would understand but I don't want to do that to them.

In the past when the subject has been brought up its always been in a very casual manner. Surrogacy is not something I think people are very comfortable with. I have heard comments and probably have made some myself of how it is odd, crazy, risky, not worth the health of the surrogate, etc. But now I feel differently. Now it is a possibility of a reality. It seems special, magical, selfless, will bring more joy then can be imagined, totally worth it.

So, I need to test the waters. See if I can brake peoples casual thoughts on the topic and bring out true thoughts and feelings. Where will I start?

These feelings wont go away

I can't stop these feelings and thoughts. No matter what I do they are there. I feel so hot. I feel consumed with the thought of being B and N's surrogate. I have to tell Hubbs. Tell him now, just do it.

That was my thought process as we were heading up the canyon to take TheBigGuy sledding. So what do I do? Blurt it out. What comes out? Tears. Emotion. Joy. Warmth. I feel the spirit so strongly now. Talking about it only makes my feelings that this is right and something I need to do GROW! I was half expecting Hubbs to say some comment like "no way" or "what are you thinking?"  No.  He takes me very seriously and says "Ok, this is something we need to think about."

So what do I do? Think, and keep thinking. Is this becoming a reality?

I can't help but briefly tell Katie when we see her up there. She basically was like are you serious? This is crazy.

She had one thing right, this seems crazy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

my feelings and thoughts on being a babymama

Ever since the realization I had that I may really be able to do this for B and N I am consumed. It's all I think of. I don't think I have ever felt something so strongly in my life. Every time I think about it or talk about it I get warm all over, I get goose bumps and I can't help but cry.

I think I am supposed to have B and N's baby. I know it sounds crazy. I can't explain this feeling I have that it is supposed to be me. I thought the timing would never be right until after Hubbs and I were done with our family. But that always left me to question how I would handle that? Would I want another one of my own after carrying a littleone and not keeping it?

The timing might be perfect now. Hubbs and I are not ready for another littleone for about two years. I don't yearn for a babe right now cause LittleDarlin is my babe, she is only 3 months old. I could do this for them and be done before Hubbs and I were planning on trying again.

Is it really a coincidence that B and I are sooo much alike? That we have always had this connection? What if it was supposed to be this way? I almost feel like this is apart of my plan. That it is something that I am supposed to do. There is no other way to explain it except that if feels right. I feel prompted that this is one of the best things I could ever do and should do!

Ya it will suck being pregnant and not having that littleone in the end to take home that makes it all better. BUT knowing that I am giving that to B and N makes it seem so worth it. All the morning sickness, tiredness, hormones, birth etc. is so minimal for the amazing outcome!

This could really happen. What will Hubbs say? What will my sisters and brother think? My parents would be the worst to tell. I look up to them so much and I think they may not agree with this decision. I don't know why but I always want to do everything to make them proud. I would never want to disappoint them or make a decision they don't like. They STILL have that effect on me like it was when I was a little girl. If I do this I think that will be one of the hardest parts, telling them.

Oh but how amazing it would be to tell B!  To get to tell B that the pregnancy test is positive. Be there and experience her joy when she finds out the gender. How happy she will be at her baby showers.   And most of all I can't even imagine that moment when the babe is born and B and N see it the first time and get to hold it.

I have to do this.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

3rd Try FAILED

Jean text me today and let me know that B and N's 3rd try with their surro FAILED.

Devastation. Poor B. Really though, not a surprise.... Hum, why am I not surprised?

Um it failed cause its supposed to be me. What? What am I saying here to myself?  Ya, I am supposed to be her surro.

Right now.  Not when Hubbs and I are done having kids but now. What am I thinking? This is crazy, it will never really happen. It's just too weird, why am I thinking this way? Still poor B, she deserves to be a mommy just like everyone else.

Just A Thought

For the past three years in the back of my mind I have always thought....

I wish so badly I could figure out how to help B and N have a littleone. Maybe I could be a surrogate for B and N, one day. One day when Hubbs and I are done having littleones. That would be great to be able to give them that. They deserve to be parents too. Ya, I could do it, I don't mind being pregnant.

Too bad when Hubbs and I are done B and N will be older. Maybe they will have had a littleone by then. I could give them their second or third?  Just a thought. Well at least someone should do it for them.  That would be crazy. Maybe one day.

Just a thought.


I am an average 30 old year girl who is lucky enough to also be a stay at home mom. I met the love of my life, Hubbs, at college 11 years ago. We dated for five years before we were married in 2005, the same year I graduated with my bachelors in Business Management.

Hubbs is the most supportive, dedicated, passionate MAN I have ever met. He would do anything for me and our littleones, without any complaint. I am so in love with him and know I will still be, probably even more so, in fifty years from now. I am the luckiest girl alive that he chose me to be his Darlin.

In December 2006 after 6 months of trying to conceive we found out we were pregnant! We were both extremely excited and nervous as most first time parents are. Lets just say I became a bit obsessed with being pregnant and the development of our littleone. In August 2007 after an 18 hour induction, 3 hours of pushing, we welcomed to the world TheBigGuy!

It wasn't too long before we were wanting to add to our family but decided to wait a little while. I had my IUD removed in December 2009. After 6 months of long cycles, average 45 days compared to the regular 28 day, we tried the fertility medicine clomid. Luckily it worked for us the first try and in March of 2010 CutenessBuns was born. Her birth experience was so easy going that I actually enjoyed it! 4 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing.

Hubbs and I have always wanted a larger family so we decided after CutenessBuns was born that we would not use any protection and let our next littleone come at any time. Exactly one year later we found out we would soon be a family of five! We decided to not find out the gender of our third littleone and were surprised to add another little girl to our family with a very similar birth experience as CutenessBuns. LittleDarlin was born in December 2011.

All three pregnancies and birth experiences were different but I truly enjoyed them. I absolutely LOVE being a ma ma, mommy and mom to my amazing littleones. They bring me more JOY and LOVE then I could have ever imagined. I also actually enjoy being pregnant and look forward to the actual birth day.

All three of my pregnancies were inductions and I did have an epidural.

We are currently renting out our home and hoping to get into a new home by October of this year. As a family we enjoy the outdoors, camping, riding 4 wheelers, bowling, movies and just being together.

I love to read, bake, plan/style parties and spend time with my family and friends. I am lucky to have my 3 sisters and 1 soon to be sister in law live so close. They are my best friends along with my brother. We all hang out a lot and our kids love to play together. I have amazing in-laws that I love doing things with and the most amazing parents in the world.

Well that is basically my story for now, we will see what this new adventure holds for my family and me!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

making my decision to be the sweetsbabymama

This is a combination of shortened posts about how I made the decision to become a surrogate.

Just a thought
For the past three years in the back of my mind I have always thought I could be a surrogate for B and N, one day when Hubbs and I are done having littleones. Just a thought. That would be crazy. Maybe one day. Just a thought.

3rd Try Failed
Jean text me today and let me know that B and N's 3rd try with their surro FAILED. Devastation. Poor B. Really though, not a surprise.... Hum, why am I not surprised? Um it failed cause its supposed to be me. What? What am I saying here to myself?  Ya, I am supposed to be her surro. Right now.  Not when Hubbs and I are done having kids but now. What am I thinking? This is crazy, it will never really happen. It's just too weird, why am I thinking this way? Still poor B, she deserves to be a mommy just like everyone else.

my feelings and thoughts on being a babymama
Ever since the realization I had that I may really be able to do this for B and N I am consumed. It's all I think of. I don't think I have ever felt something so strongly in my life. Every time I think about it or talk about it I get warm all over, I get goose bumps and I can't help but cry.
I think I am supposed to have B and N's baby. I know it sounds crazy. I can't explain this feeling I have that it is supposed to be me. I thought the timing would never be right until after Hubbs and I were done with our family. But that always left me to question how I would handle that? Would I want another one of my own after carrying a littleone and not keeping it?
The timing might be perfect now. Hubbs and I are not ready for another littleone for about two years. I don't yearn for a babe right now cause LittleDarlin is my babe, she is only 3 months old. I could do this for them and be done before Hubbs and I were planning on trying again.
Is it really a coincidence that B and I are sooo much alike? That we have always had this connection? What if it was supposed to be this way? I almost feel like this is apart of my plan. That it is something that I am supposed to do. There is no other way to explain it except that if feels right. I feel prompted that this is one of the best things I could ever do and should do!
Ya it will suck being pregnant and not having that littleone in the end to take home that makes it all better. BUT knowing that I am giving that to B and N makes it seem so worth it. All the morning sickness, tiredness, hormones, birth etc. is so minimal for the amazing outcome!
This could really happen. What will Hubbs say? What will my sisters and brother think? My parents would be the worst to tell. I look up to them so much and I think they may not agree with this decision. I don't know why but I always want to do everything to make them proud. I would never want to disappoint them or make a decision they don't like. They STILL have that effect on me like it was when I was a little girl. If I do this I think that will be one of the hardest parts, telling them.
Oh but how amazing it would be to tell B!  To get to tell B that the pregnancy test is positive. Be there and experience her joy when she finds out the gender. How happy she will be at her baby showers.   And most of all I can't even imagine that moment when the babe is born and B and N see it the first time and get to hold it.
I have to do this. 

These feelings wont go away
I can't stop these feelings and thoughts. No matter what I do they are there. I feel so hot. I feel consumed with the thought of being B and N's surrogate. I have to tell Hubbs. Tell him now, just do it.
That was my thought process as we were heading up the canyon to take TheBigGuy sledding. So what do I do? Blurt it out. What comes out? Tears. Emotion. Joy. Warmth. I feel the spirit so strongly now. Talking about it only makes my feelings that this is right and something I need to do GROW! I was half expecting Hubbs to say some comment like "no way" or "what are you thinking?"  No.  He takes me very seriously and says "Ok, this is something we need to think about."
So what do I do? Think, and keep thinking. Is this becoming a reality?
I can't help but briefly tell Katie when we see her up there. She basically was like are you serious? This is crazy. She had one thing right, this seems crazy. 

Jean's Call
Jean calls, it is the first time we have really talked since we found out B and N's 3rd try failed. She proceeds to tell me how she feels so bad for B and wishes she could do it for her but the timing in her life is just all wrong. She was talking with the girls at work telling them how she just knows that somehow through HER B is going to have her baby. She is thinking maybe someone at work. She just knows she has the answer.
In this moment my heart is once again pounding. I can feel the spirit so strong. I knew I was going to tell Jean soon but not over the phone. But I can't help it, I am so overwhelmed with what I feel. Of course I broke down and did. "Its me, its me" that is all I could say through my tears. These feelings are so powerful and I feel like they over take me when I talk about it. Jean sat in silence and listened to me. Then she told me how she felt it too as I told her about it. Jean knew she had the answer but couldn't put her finger on it. This could be it. It feels good. She thinks its supposed to be me. It is no coincidence that B and I are SO similar. This just seems right.
Jean came over that night and we talked about everything for a long time. Since she is a L&D nurse and B's sister-in-law I asked her as many questions I could think of.  What are the risks? What meds will I have to take? How long will I have to take the meds? How long before I could do it for her since LittleDarlin is only 3 months? How long after will I need to wait to have another littleone of my own? What is B planning on doing? Using the same surro as before? When are they going to try again? How long do I have to make my decision?
I sat and told her all about the feelings I have had for years that I could do this for B and N. That when I found out it failed something kicked in and I knew it was now that I needed to do it.
It seems as though there are all these little things pointing me to being their surro. Why had Jean opened up to me about how she felt and was so involved with B and N's journey now? Her call at that moment. So many little things and then the next day Jean text me this:

Don't know how you're feeling but B sent me this, "If u know anyone who wants to be a surro let me know."
I feel all the good emotions again. B is searching and I am right here. I have to be sure though. I can't just go off of these feelings. I need to do some digging. I need more facts.It is all so surreal, almost like a movie or book, not a possible reality. 
At the DI with Jamie
Jamie is a DI junkie. She loves going to the DI and looking for furniture, frames, lamps and mirrors that she can one day re-do. She has a collection of old, unfinished furniture in her garage and basement. I believe she has started on two pieces but hasn't quite finished them. I would guess she has close to 20 not touched yet. Jamie is good at haggling the DI people and always gets a good deal, I love going with her.
Lately we have been running errands together when we can. While we were out we stopped at a couple DI's. So we get inside and for some reason right there I blurt out "Have you ever just had a feeling you should do something and it seems crazy but you can't deny that you feel it?" She begs, "What is it". "It is so hard to explain but I don't know if I have ever felt something pushing me to do something so strongly in my life, ever. I think I am supposed to have B's baby." Jamie looks at me and says "I am shocked... ... ... it is odd to say but you are right, it feels right but I am shocked!" We talk, and I get all emotional about it standing in the middle of the DI. I can honestly say this was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had, in the DI. Once again my feelings are verified to me that this is right. Jamie tells me she is getting goose bumps. She can feel it too. Half of what she is saying about her thoughts and feelings are things I have already thought and said. She gets it. Is this real?
In the end we leave the DI with a settee for me, a hutch and two lamps for her piled in the back of my truck. As we drive down the freeway I look in the mirror and watch the lamp shade blowing and think to myself "Oh my gosh, this is really going to happen. I am going to try and be a babymama!"

The answers to my concerns
It was such a relief to hear from my own Dr that he didn't feel there were any significant extra risks and that he cared. AND now I don't have to wait a month, get a sitter or pay a copay to ask a few questions!
Later when I talk to Jean she also tells me that he asked her if I was religious. She tells him I am and that is half the reason I am considering being a surro for B and N is because of the feelings I have had. He tells her that he feels that those feelings are very important too when making a decision like this. It is so comforting to know I am not alone on this in more ways than one.
And now, as I am sitting here on Katie's bed typing, I wonder to myself "Really, am I really going to do this?" Letting the logic creep in. I look over at her mirror.
Written on it is ... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

I am scared
I called the fertility clinic today that B and N use. Jean questioned B's little sister enough to find out what clinic it was for me. I told them that I wanted to remain anonymous and that I had questions.  I spent about 20 minutes on the phone with them asking every question I could think of. Basically more of the same answers. The risks are the same as a normal pregnancy. There are no more added risks of a gestational surrogate pregnancy. I will be on just a few meds to help build my uterine wall and regulate my cycles to coincide with the procedure.
I was under the impression that most surrogates were finished with their own families. The lady I was talking with actually informed me that many of their surrogates are young moms who are trying to supplement their incomes and go on to have more children of their own.
I know reading these posts it looks like my mind is made up already. I know that it seems like I am just going off of these extremely strong feelings I have and I am not turning back, but that is not the case.
Am I really going to be able to handle carrying a littleone, feel it move, help it grow, give birth to it and just hand it over? I think I will be able to, knowing it is not mine but B's from the beginning. Plus I will be able to see the babe when I want. It will be like I am its auntie. Am I being naive?
I am scared. Nervous. Question myself everyday. Though these posts are just days apart, in real life this has been going on for about 4 weeks. I just didn't know when I was ready to post all this. I have prayed and prayed and gone to the temple. I have tried to think of all possibilities. Imagine all the bad moments that could happen. I feel like I have tried or am trying to go about every avenue I can to get a real, logical perspective of this situation.
In fact its all the logical that scares me. The logic part creeps in sometimes, especially when I haven't discussed or written about it for a few days. That is when I start to question. Yes everything should go fine. There should be no complications, but, there is always that but. Something could go wrong. If it were the worst case scenarios I would be devastated. I don't know what I would do. Is it worth that small risk?
The second I call one of my sisters or talk to Hubbs or write about my concerns and what I am feeling, that all goes away. I am taken back to the feelings and knowledge that it is good, it is right. Still there is a decision I have to make. I need to try and mix the logic with the spirit. How do you do that? 

Thoughts on being a babymama now that the waters have been tested
More of the same thoughts and feelings. Except maybe stronger? The more I talk about it with my family and Hubbs the more I feel it is right. When I don't talk with someone about it for a few days the logic part and this is so crazy part creeps in. I start to get scared, nervous and question myself.
The second I start talking about it again the good feelings about it hit me ten fold. How can I deny those feelings?
Also when I think of being a babymama for B all I can think about is the complete JOY I am going to be able to give the Sweets. I can't wait for B to experience being a mommy to a little baby. To help fill that hole in her heart. I can not even imagine what it would be like to not be able to have littleones. To not know if a baby was ever in my future. When Hubbs and I were trying for our second it felt like an eternity to me. I wanted a littleone sooo bad it literally hurt. I wrote this journal entry

I hate that I have longer cycles. It seems so unfair that in the time someone gets 2 chances I have one. Hubbs is so supportive and I can tell he feels bad too. Last night as we drove home from dinner with our BFF's who announced they were pregnant he just let me sit in silence and then he held me while I cried in bed that night. He also just let me cry and vent over the phone when I called to tell him another friend just informed me she was pregnant. He said he'd been thinking of me all day. I know I am blessed to have TheBigGuy and such a loving husband, but still, I ache.
It seemed so terrible to me. I look back now and remember how I felt and think of how blessed I am that I CAN have littleones. Knowing that B must be feeling the way I felt, times a million, makes me so sad for her. I want her to be a mommy so bad.
Things that have been brought to my attention or that I have thought about that are reasons to not be a surro are: the morning sickness, the medication, the aches and pains of pregnancy, actual labor pain, not nursing after and having to wrap my boobs, the 4-6 week healing process which also equals no sex. All for someone else. But these seem so trite in terms of the gift I could give B and N. I don't even see them as a reason not to do this for them. Its so minimal compared to the outcome.
Katie's concern is that it would be too hard to give up the babe. To carry it, feel it move and give birth to it and then say goodbye so the baby can go home with its mommy and daddy. I don't know, and maybe I am naive, but I don't think it will be that hard. My thinking is that the baby is not mine, I am just its home for a little while until its real mama can care for it. Going into it knowing that its not my baby, its B's baby seems like it wont be so bad in the end. It will be amazing to see her with that baby knowing I was able to give that to her.
It does however make me nervous of how people may judge me or think I am crazy.  I deep down don't really care what anyone thinks besides my immediate family, especially my parents, but it will be hard to deal with.
My main concerns lie with the physical risks. Those risks are like in any pregnancy, putting my life at risk and my fertility at risk. I think the only way to get over these fears is to go on my faith and what I feel is right. No one can give me an answer that problems wont arise, even these two big ones. But I can go off of the fact that I feel its right. I have faith that it will work out.
Hubbs thoughts
Hubbs is a good man. He always wants to make me happy. For the most part he lets me get away with a lot of stuff (minor) because he loves me. I know I can be difficult, stubborn and I want my way. I knew with this situation it would be tricky. Not tricky like I need to trick him but tricky cause I feel so strongly but I am not about to make a decision like this without Hubbs behind me 100%. I can't do it without his love and support. If he were to say no, I would have to also.
Hubbs makes me laugh because he is the type of person to just say it how it is, he doesn't sugar coat things. Lots of times he just says what everyone else is thinking but wont say. Many times its just to me because he doesn't want to offend others but every once in a while he just says it.
For example some of his concerns over me being B and N's surro are "that will be weird to have sex knowing that isn't our child in there" and "I don't know if I will be compassionate enough towards you through the pregnancy because its not ours and you would be doing it to yourself". I see his points and am so glad he is the type of person to say these things instead of just think them.
I let him know I understand this and of course I will talk to him about the pregnancy and of course I will tell him the first time the baby moves and how much it weighs and what fruit size it is now. But he wont be the first person I turn to. B will be the first person I would text. B will be the one I would hope could be there at each appointment with me.
After numerous discussions about lots of ups and downs Hubbs has given me the go ahead to make MY decision on the matter.  I love him so much and I am so grateful that he trusts me and loves me enough to do something like this because I FEEL like I should.
What an amazing Husband.

Decision has been made
Obviously if you couldn't read between the lines throughout my previous posts I think I made my decision quite a while ago. I want to do this. I want to be B and N's surrogate. All the risks and ups and downs are going to be completely worth it. If I don't take this chance and follow my feelings I will regret it for the rest of my life. I don't want to live with that. And I actually really want to do this. I am so excited to begin the process, to tell B!
I have one last thing I want to do before I tell her. I need to talk with my parents. I have been imagining the worst so hopefully it can only be what I think or better. Wish me Luck.
